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The Stellar Cast of Boston Legal Season 3 on IMDb

As fan legal dramas, always lookout best shows casts captivating stories life. Boston Legal is no exception, and its third season boasts an impressive lineup of talent. Let`s dive into the cast of Boston Legal Season 3 and explore their IMDb profiles to gain a deeper appreciation for their work.

Meet Cast

Actor Character IMDb Rating
James Spader Alan Shore 8.3
William Shatner Denny Crane 8.4
Candice Bergen Shirley Schmidt 8.2
Mark Valley Brad Chase 8.0
Rhona Mitra Tara Wilson 7.9

With an ensemble of seasoned actors and compelling characters, Boston Legal Season 3 delivers top-notch performances that keep viewers engaged.

IMDb Ratings

According to IMDb, the average rating for Boston Legal Season 3 stands at an impressive 8.2. This reflects the quality of the show and the cast`s ability to captivate audiences with their portrayals of complex legal professionals.

Personal Reflections

Having followed the careers of actors like James Spader and William Shatner, it`s truly remarkable to see them bring their A-game to Boston Legal. Their chemistry screen undeniable, wonder show garnered high ratings IMDb.

As we explore the cast of Boston Legal Season 3 on IMDb, it`s evident that the show has left a lasting impression on viewers and critics alike. The stellar performances and compelling storylines make it a must-watch for any fan of legal dramas.

Boston Legal Season 3 Cast IMDb Contract

This contract is entered into on [Date] by and between [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as «Producer», and the cast members of Boston Legal Season 3, hereinafter referred to as «Cast».

1. Engagement

Producer engages Cast to render their services as actors in the television series «Boston Legal» Season 3.

2. Compensation

Cast shall be compensated in accordance with their individual employment contracts, which shall be attached hereto as Exhibit A.

3. Representations and Warranties

Cast represents warrants free enter agreement their performance services hereunder violate agreement party.

4. Termination

This agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice if the other party materially breaches any provision of this agreement and fails to cure such breach within 30 days of receiving written notice thereof.

5. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State] without regard to its conflicts of laws principles.

6. Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.

7. Signatures

Producer: [Producer Name]
Cast: [Cast Names]

Top 10 Legal Questions about Boston Legal Season 3 Cast IMDb

Question Answer
1. Can the cast of Boston Legal Season 3 be found on IMDb? Yes, the cast of Boston Legal Season 3 can be found on IMDb. Have comprehensive list actors actresses appeared season, along respective roles. It`s a great resource for fans of the show.
2. Is the information about the cast on IMDb legally accurate? IMDb is known for its accuracy in providing information about movies and TV shows, including cast details. While it`s always good to verify information from multiple sources, IMDb is generally considered reliable in the entertainment industry.
3. Can the IMDb page of Boston Legal Season 3 cast be used as a reference in a legal case? IMDb can be used as a reference in a legal case, especially if it pertains to the entertainment industry or intellectual property rights. However, it`s important to corroborate the information with other credible sources to strengthen the case.
4. Are there any legal implications in using the cast information from IMDb for commercial purposes? Using cast information from IMDb for commercial purposes may raise legal implications, especially if it involves copyright or licensing issues. It`s essential to consult with a legal expert to ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
5. Can the cast members of Boston Legal Season 3 be held legally accountable for their actions outside of the show? Just like any other individual, the cast members of Boston Legal Season 3 can be held legally accountable for their actions outside of the show, provided that their conduct violates the law. However, it`s important to distinguish between their on-screen personas and real-life actions.
6. Is IMDb legally obligated to update the cast information for Boston Legal Season 3? IMDb is not legally obligated to update the cast information for Boston Legal Season 3 or any other show. While they strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date details, it ultimately depends on the availability of verified information from reliable sources.
7. Can producers or creators of Boston Legal Season 3 legally dispute the cast information on IMDb? Producers or creators of Boston Legal Season 3 may have the legal right to dispute the cast information on IMDb if it misrepresents the official credits or contractual agreements. This could involve legal proceedings to rectify any inaccuracies.
8. Are there any legal restrictions on fans creating IMDb lists related to the Boston Legal Season 3 cast? Fans are generally allowed to create IMDb lists related to the Boston Legal Season 3 cast, as long as they adhere to IMDb`s terms of use and guidelines. However, they should avoid infringing on any intellectual property rights or engaging in unauthorized commercial activities.
9. Can legal professionals use the IMDb page of Boston Legal Season 3 cast for research or reference? Legal professionals can certainly use the IMDb page of Boston Legal Season 3 cast for research or reference, especially in cases related to entertainment law or contractual disputes. Provides valuable insights cast members roles.
10. Is there a legal way for individuals to request corrections or updates to the Boston Legal Season 3 cast information on IMDb? IMDb has a process for individuals to request corrections or updates to the Boston Legal Season 3 cast information. This typically involves submitting verifiable evidence to support the requested changes, and IMDb will review the submissions before making any updates.