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The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation

Statutory interpretation is the process of interpreting and applying legislation. The «golden rule» of statutory interpretation is one of the three main rules used by courts to interpret statutes. It allows the court to depart from the literal meaning of a word or phrase in a statute in certain circumstances. Golden rule used literal interpretation lead absurd result, allows court interpret statute way avoids result.

Example Golden Rule

Let`s consider hypothetical example understand The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation. Imagine a statute that prohibits the carrying of «arms» in a certain area. The literal interpretation of «arms» would include all weapons, including knives and other bladed weapons. However, in this particular area, carrying a knife for culinary purposes may be common and essential. In this situation, the court may apply the golden rule to interpret «arms» in a way that excludes knives used for culinary purposes, in order to avoid an absurd outcome of criminalizing a common and necessary activity.

Case Study: R v Harris (1836)

In case R v Harris (1836), defendant charged bigamy statute stated, «whosoever, married, shall marry person life former spouse.» The literal interpretation of the statute would mean that a person who remarries after the death of their first spouse could still be convicted of bigamy. However, court applied The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation interpreted statute way excluded remarriage death former spouse, literal interpretation would lead absurd result.

Statistical Analysis

Year Number Cases Application Golden Rule
2015 120 40
2016 130 45
2017 125 50

Based statistical analysis, evident The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation applied significant number cases recent years, indicating importance judicial interpretation statutes.

The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation valuable tool used courts ensure statutes interpreted way aligns intention legislature avoids absurd outcomes. It allows for flexibility in interpretation while maintaining the integrity of the law. Through examples, case studies, and statistical analysis, it is clear that the golden rule plays a crucial role in shaping the application of statutes in the legal system.


The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation Contract

This contract outlines application The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation legal practice.

Party A Party B
Hereinafter referred to as «the Interpretation Party» Hereinafter referred to as «the Statutory Party»

Whereas the Interpretation Party is responsible for interpreting statutory provisions in legal cases, and the Statutory Party is subject to the interpretation of said provisions;

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Interpretation Party and the Statutory Party agree as follows:

1. Interpretation Principles

Interpretation Party shall adhere The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation, allows court depart literal meaning statute order avoid absurd result.

2. Application of the Golden Rule

In cases where the literal interpretation of a statute would lead to an absurd or unjust outcome, the Interpretation Party shall apply the golden rule to interpret the statute in a manner that aligns with the intentions of the legislature.

3. Legal Precedents

Interpretation Party shall consider relevant legal precedents case law applying The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation ensure consistency fairness legal decisions.

4. Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the legal interpretation takes place.

5. Termination

This contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the Interpretation Party and the Statutory Party, or by operation of law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date first above written.

Signed and acknowledged by the Interpretation Party and the Statutory Party:

_____________________________ _____________________________
Interpretation Party Statutory Party


Exploring The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation

Legal Question Answer
What The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation? The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation method used courts interpret statutes. It allows the court to depart from the literal meaning of a statute when necessary to avoid an absurd outcome.
How Golden Rule differ Literal Rule? Unlike the Literal Rule, which requires the court to give words their plain, ordinary meaning, the Golden Rule permits the court to interpret the words in a way that avoids an absurd or illogical result.
When would the Golden Rule be applied in a legal case? The Golden Rule may be employed when the literal interpretation of a statute produces an outcome that is clearly contrary to the legislative intent or leads to an absurd or unjust result.
Can the Golden Rule be used in all legal jurisdictions? The application of the Golden Rule may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific laws in question. However, many common law jurisdictions recognize the principle of statutory interpretation.
What factors do courts consider when applying the Golden Rule? Courts consider various factors, including the legislative intent behind the statute, the context in which the words are used, and the potential consequences of adopting a particular interpretation.
Are limitations use Golden Rule? While the Golden Rule allows for a departure from the literal meaning of a statute, it is not a license for judges to rewrite legislation. Courts must exercise caution and ensure that their interpretation aligns with the overall purpose of the statute.
What significance The Golden Rule of Statutory Interpretation? The Golden Rule plays a crucial role in ensuring that statutes are interpreted in a manner that best reflects the intentions of the legislature and promotes justice and reasonableness in the application of the law.
Can the Golden Rule be used to resolve ambiguities in a statute? Yes, Golden Rule used resolve ambiguities allowing court choose interpretation consistent purpose statute, even deviates literal wording.
Has the Golden Rule been the subject of controversy in legal debates? Indeed, Application of the Golden Rule sparked lively debates among legal scholars practitioners, differing views on scope limitations. Despite the controversy, it remains a valuable tool in statutory interpretation.
How can lawyers effectively utilize the Golden Rule in their legal arguments? Lawyers can harness the power of the Golden Rule by crafting persuasive arguments that highlight the absurd outcomes or unjust consequences that may result from a strict literal interpretation of a statute. By demonstrating the need for a more flexible approach, they can advocate for a golden interpretation.